Importing Products from COLOMBIA
Location: Colombia is located in the north-west corner of South America, bordered by Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, the Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean.
Its three largest cities are Bogota (its capital), Medellin and Cali.
Is there a trade agreement betwenn Colombia and UK? Yes, as part of the trade agreement continuity between the United Kingdom and the Andean countries. The Colombian government, along with Peru and Ecuador, signed a free trade agreement with the UK in May 2019, maintaining currently the same tariff preferences that are contained in the treaty with the European Union.
Colombian national currency: Peso (COP).
Official language: Spanish (99%).
Shipping from Colombia to the UK
Transit time via air from Colombia to an airport in the UK is approximately 1 to 3 days. Colombia's main cargo international airports are located in Bogota
(El Dorado airport),
and Rionegro (Jose Maria Cordova airport, serving the city of Medellin).
Transit time via sea from Colombia to a port in the UK is approximately 16 to 28 days. Colombia’s main sea port is Cartagena.
Import documents required include packing list, commercial invoice, and health / organic / origin / phytosanitary certificate(s) where applicable. Requirements for the exporter in Colombia include Tax Indentification Number (NIT), and registration as exporter at DIAN. Requirements for the importer in Britain include having an EORI number.
Top-10 product types imported from Colombia to United Kingdom in 2023
M: Millions USD. Source: TRADING ECONOMICS / UN Comtrade
Where to search for Colombian products/exporters
Contact PROCOLOMBIA, the official institution in charge of the commercial promotion of exports in Colombia.
Import taxes/restrictions in the United Kingdom
Visit the UK Trade Tariff
(official UK tariff classification site) to consult the applicable import taxes and restrictions (if any)
to Colombian products. This is done by entering either the tariff code or the description of the particular commodity on the site's search tool.
Contact us for cargo transport from Latin America and the Caribbean to the UK